Sunday, September 16, 2012


I wonder if she knows who I am thinking of,
as I push myself deeper into her.
Does she see it on my face right now,
as I see another from the past.
The way it was before was perfection,
but for the way it ended too fast.
If I close my eyes maybe she won't see,
but then I am taken back and imagine.
Her love is strong and she takes it just right,
why can I not just put myself in.
The warmth of before was power,
I want for that right now.
Am I selfish for taking it so hard,
even though she is getting it too.
She looks at me so sweetly,
why am I stuck with anothers flavor.

© Jeph Rants

Just missed us.

Hello Love,

I have missed us, every part of who and why we were. Its been some time but not nearly enough to forget or remove the sight of your taunting  lips. The way my eyes would swim in your eyes, and how my lips only cared for the soft press of your divinity. My body remains cold without you and yet my longing still soaks in the what was. I know what I miss and missed and how I can never go back or gain your favor again. I try so desperately to convince my heart of the same. What can a man do when never the touch of another nor drinks fade the grasp. Stuck in a mirror of self reflection I turn over the pictures of what was and still should be within my mind. No since it seems to go on and destroy the perfection I still hold of you in my head.  The steam of shower so lonely until you arrive to join me again. The sounds from the turning fan blows cold upon the bed we shared. My  flesh waits my heart yearns and both ignore that you have moved far along without us. The fabric of who I am torn and the patch in its place is your memory that will, I pray, forever haunt me. The kiss, the embrace, the time we spoke softly in the dark. My soul simply will not refrain from the replaying of you calling my name out while we made love. Not a punishment, but a love I can claim and have forever without you. So its fair that you have gone on and fret not for the feelings I still feel in ember. I will forever have the pieces of you that took the best pieces of me.

© Jeph Rants