Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can't content.

I want for forgetting, for it to come to me by going away.
My longing for forever long gone in its never endingness.
From color in my lovers cheeks as I roused her needs.
No going from here as my feelings always follow along.
A traveler locked in a moment of time and of this place.
My feet still move but no longer dance to the tones.
Hands still reach yet only into the dark when I am weak.
Knowing the nothing of what I had being the past life.
Time ticks and never leaves and nothing of new comes.
Reason, I have tried to plead with persistence for that.
Empathy for emptiness I only taunt myself for such things.
I tell the tale of a new day but in between I lose my grip.
Revolving the pie sections of want, loss, and need come.
Breaths of air escape me and bring back the stale story.
To flavor of forgiveness I may never once taste that now.
I want for finality and familiarity of a moment under glass.
Watching from outside I see the model of my wrongs.
Torn and turning I spin and seem to go always back.
Never needed, or at least never long enough to give in.
There are those who move past, I stay in revolution.
That being my only, my only, my only, revaluation.

© Jeph Rants

Thursday, April 19, 2012


A bird she comes to my window.
Her feathers the color of the world.
The song whistled familiar.
A branch just out of my reach.
Her stand taken and grip firm.
She watch's looking for something.
I hear her sing all day out there.
Her tone crisp and in here too.
Even on sunny days I hear her.
When I lay under cover as well.
She comes to my dreams.
The notes floating in my window.
Even with her nest far from here.
Her wings flap to carry her.
Watching me from outside.
She is here to tease me.
For she knows she can fly.

© Jeph Rants