Friday, December 23, 2011

Moon dreams

There can be no thoughts of the best lover you had.
Reminisce of the seconds you shared as more than friends.
Love let loose on two rampant souls, lost but for eachother.
Time was long but too short to be enough for forever.
Memories cannot be shaken or stirred loose of their hold.
The kiss at the corner of a whisper of my name in the dark.
Fingers push and claw expressing what words won't make.
You cannot go back and relive those interludes step by step.
Each quiver of lip to pulse of pleasure that last long after.
Its not wise to remember the rhythm that got them there.
No lovers of the past need stay in the past where it was good.
I cannot forget the want for only her in thousands of times.
Or the way her smile of satisfaction hides at my finish still.

© Jeph Rants

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Deep and longing

We all have a lover in mind,

no matter if its one we still hold.

A difference than the rest.

Something unable to just say.

An endless amount of nothings,

that we just won't stop wanting.

Its of each other at times,

but for lacking known as best.

Avoiding the trouble it causes,

hoping another will at least kill the same.

© Jeph Rants

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Ritz

The romance was the fun part of what we had.
It was perfect, it was simple, it was real, and I miss it.
Baby you were no tease but we played that game.
I wasn't perfect and you thought for awhile I was.
You and played the role for others to make a name.
Something you and I both seemed to live out.
Jester and the doll, one the fool and the other the flusie.
We probably waited too long to just get out.
You should not have listened to who I really was.
I was wrong for seeing the woman that was the doll.
So I moved too slow then too fast and who couldn't see.
Only me.

© Jeph Rants